@extends('layouts.main') @section('content')

Manage your Subscriptions

Update your subscription status.

E-mail Verification Successful.
@endif @if(session('cancelled'))
Subscription cancelled successfully. You will not be charged further.
{{ auth()->user()->name }}
{{ auth()->user()->email }}

Current plan: @if(auth()->user()->subscription_id || auth()->user()->allow_till > now()) Pro @else Free @endif
@if(auth()->user()->allow_till > now()) Your premium status will remain until: {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse(auth()->user()->allow_till)->format("M d, Y") }}. You will be able to re-subscribe when your current term is over. @elseif(auth()->user()->subscription_id) Your subscription is currently active. Your payment interval is {{ auth()->user()->checkout->type == 'month' ? 'Monthly' : 'Yearly' }}. You will receive further details in your E-mail inbox. @else You are currently not subscribed to any plan. @endif
@if(auth()->user()->subscription_id) Cancel Your Subscription @elseif(auth()->user()->allow_till > now()) @else Upgrade @endif

Billing email:
{{ auth()->user()->email }}
@if(auth()->user()->password != 'NONE')

Manage your Account

Change your password

The credentials you provided are invalid.
@endif @if(session('resetpassword'))
Your password was reset successfully.
{{ $message }}
{{ $message }}
@endif @endsection